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CALL FOR PAPERS: International Renewable Energy Days IREnDays-2024

The National Center for Renewable Energy Development, CDER is organizing the International Renewable Energy Days (IREnDays’2024), with a particular focus on wind energy through the 2nd International Conference on Wind Energy and Its Applications (2nd ICWEA’24). This event will take place on May 28-30, 2024, and will be held in Algiers, Algeria.

IREnDays’2024 will bring together experts from academia, industry, and government to share their knowledge and ideas in the field of renewable energy. This event aims to provide an international forum for researchers, engineers, and professionals to showcase their latest developments and scientific advances in their research.

IREnDays’2024 will include high-level plenary talks, keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations, technical panels with interactive sessions and social events. This will provide attendees with networking opportunities, allowing them to share their experiences and new innovations on all aspects of Renewable Energy.

This event comes at a critical time in the global effort to address climate change and accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources. IREnDays’2024 are expected to make a contribution to the global effort to achieve a more sustainable and equitable future.

Researchers, students, industry professionals, and policymakers are invited to participate in this event that will help to promote the development of clean, sustainable energy sources.

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